Agenda About
Audio Video
15 October 2007

*3A&E / N Ensemble Amsterdam *
series for
new live
and acoustic
music in
15 October 2007

Set 1:


Audrey Chen (Baltimore) - cello, voice
Nate Wooley (New York) - trumpet
Robert van Heumen - laptop, controllers
Seamus Cater - harmonica

STEIM residency presentation #1

Audrey Chen, Nate Wooley, Seamus Cater and Robert van Heumen, currently working under the name 3A&E, are presenting the results of a STEIM residency project. Following on from meetings at earlier concerts in the Kraakgeluiden and DNK series', this current setting sees them travelling through very specific sound worlds, working with three acoustic instruments and one electronic.

Set 2:

N Ensemble Amsterdam: Liquids - Part 2:

Carlos Galvez - clarinets
Koen Nutters - double bass
Enric Monfort Barbera- vibraphone

The ever-flexible N Ensemble continue their exploration of structured improvisation. This time appearing as a trio and soon expanding to larger formats, they concentrate on structured, a-tonal pitch improvisation in it's purest form. Beautifully balanced acoustic music on the edge of control.

The N Ensemble constists of members and friends of the N Collective; a pan-european group of improvisors, musicians, composers and artists. This version of the ensemble is currently concentrating on the structured improvisations or "liquid compositions" of Koen Nutters.
