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Audio Video
29 September 2008 @ STEIM

*James Beckett presents: "Mobility Among the Brick Makers of France" *
series for
new live
and acoustic
music in
29 September 2008 @ STEIM

James Beckett presents:

"Mobility Among the Brick Makers of France"

An evening of old and new recordings made by the French at home and of the diaspora. Featuring the work of Valérie Vivancos, Jean-Jacques Palix, Julien Grossmann and Mathilde Rosier.

Valérie Vivancos
Sleep recordings, -extracts in research towards the 'Sleep in Opera'.
Originally recorded at the Gui De Chauliac Hospital (Sleep Studies unit), Montpellier (2002).

Valérie Vivancos is a sound artist living and working in Paris, - her practice lies at the crossroads of conceptual performance and experimental sound composition. Among other collaborations she regularly works with Rodolphe Alexis, performing together as OttoannA and editing the Vibrö sound-art compilations. She continues to write and translate theoretical texts and also regularly lectures and runs workshops on art and sound. Since 2007 she has been involved with the GRM for the coordination of the PRESENCES electronique festival.

Jean-Jacques Palix
Interior recordings of the beet sugar factories of Eppeville (North France) by Palix & Olivier Agid

Jean-Jacques Palix is a composer for stage, discoverer, compiler, archivist, lover of rare music and general sound hunter. Following his radical productions and realisations in “Radio Nova”, from which he was a founding member in the early 80's, he is collaborating with makers of: contemporary dance, art, film, video, and fashion. Working within such diverse fields enabled him to enlarge his personal sound research as well as his abilities as a composer, arranger, and producer. In 1992 this approach led to the creation of ‘Song Active Production’, an independent record label, free of classification.

Mathilde Rosier
Pre-recorded piano piece - Concerto pour deux pianos en deux temps

Mathilde is a visual artist working with video, music and painting, living and working between the French countryside and Berlin. Her works are a walk between the scientific and the romantic, the fairytale and the secular. With a surgeon as a father, anatomical study often features in her watercolours, usually as fantastic characters involved in odd scenarios. Rosier’s compositions are usually soundtracks for her videos. This piece is an exception, recorded in her home in Paris, 2003, and performed at ‘Nova Popularna’ in Warsaw, and in 2003 and in Basel as a performance at the List art fair, in 2005.

Julien Grossman
'Kokin (…) Slendro' (Installation with thanks to V2 of Rotterdam)

Julien Grossmann is a multimedia artist working primarily with sound, video projection and 3-D objects. Coming from a dual background in music and visual art, he is interested in the multiple roles that sound can play. This DNK session is a preview of the installation ‘Kokin (…) Slendro, a series of little model islands, each placed at the centre of a vinyl record, which slowly revolve whilst corresponding tracks are to be heard. The six instrumental songs that accompany the dioramas are each based on a different scale and tuning system, borrowed from diverse areas of the world.


OPEN D.I. NIGHT call for submissions:

If you are interested in performing a short solo at DNK on the 20th of October in Open D.I. Night #7, please email a brief description of your solo and we'll be happy to consider you as part of the evening.