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Audio Video
17 June 2011

*Dante Boon plays Morton Feldman's For Bunita Marcus at Magna Plaza *
series for
new live
and acoustic
music in
17 June 2011

Whilst a shopping centre might sound like an inappropriate venue for a Morton Feldman concert, the Magna Plaza is an historic piece of Dutch Neo-Gothic architecture which has been listed as one of the ten most important monuments in Amsterdam. Magna Plaza is currently the home for a residency of the artists collective Eddie the Eagle and DNK presents another piece from the catalogue of Feldman within their program.

Morton Feldman For Bunita Marcus (1985)

Dante Boon - Piano

Feldman wrote several dedicational pieces. A four minute work For Aaron Copland and the four-and-a-half-hour For Philip Guston. For Bunita Marcus falls somewhere in between at seventy minutes and is dedicated to the woman with which Feldman had a long association in the years before his death. Their proximity was such in this period that they composed side by side, exchanging musical thoughts, ideas and the like.

"My past experience was not to 'meddle' with the material, but use my concentration as a guide to what might transpire. I mentionned this to Stockhausen once when he had asked me what my secret was. 'I don't push the sounds around.' Stockhausen mulled this over, and asked: 'Not even a little bit?"
Morton Feldman

With additional musical stylings by Masterfader and a bar by Eddie the Eagle.

Magna Plaza Shopping Centre
Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 182
1012 SJ Amsterdam
Time: 20:00
Entrance: 5 Euro
