Thursday 17 June 2010
DNK Day 180
Thursday June 17, 19:00 at SMART Project Space
Mark Bain - The Archisonic
Mark Bain's work centres on the interaction of acoustics, architecture and physical/mental reactions to infrasonics; sounds below the human hearing threshold. Bain investigates the effects of inherent and induced sonic events on structures and the people that inhabit them. He uses both the inaudible sounds normally present in buildings and other large constructions, amplifying them with seismographic and other specially designed equipment, essentially shaking buildings or the ground for sonic effect.
Koen Nutters / Andre Avelas - Avelas 16
DNK Ensemble
Andre Avelas Seamus Cater Koen Nutters Martijn Tellinga Maia Daw Mike Ottink Caetano Carvalho Andreas Busche Roos Blogg Viljam Nybacka Lot Meijers Johann Kauth Justin Gosker Hannah F. Giese Taylan Susam Alexander Krone
16 musicians playing small noise generators built by Andre Avelas.
Intermission with complimentary popcorn and bourbon!
Alvin Lucier - Still Lives (2001)
Dante Boon - piano Martijn Tellinga - electronica
Using the phenomenon of audible beating as a structural component, Still Lives was written by Lucier in 1995 for pianist Joseph Kubera. Writing eight short movements, he selected images and objects from his house; the hammock strung between two trees, a diamond of sunlight on the living room floor, a pair of chopsticks lying on the kitchen counter. These shapes were drawn on paper, with precise timings and pitch information and programmed for computer. Also copied onto music paper, the shapes became notated pitches for the piano which cause audible beating when sounding against the pure waves of the computer.
CM von Hausswolff
Since the end of the 70s, alongside his work as a composer and musician, Carl Michael von Hausswolff has worked as a conceptual visual artist working with performance art, light and sound installations and photography. His main instrument is the tape recorder which is augmented using mostly analogue electronics. He creates work which investigates electricity, frequency and architectural space, presenting the results as musical performance. His work has been shown at documenta X, Manifesta, the Venice Biennale and he received the Prix Ars Electronica award for digital musics in 2002. Presented in collaboration with WORM.
Music by the DNK DJ UNIT