
27 August 2020

Lag OS Drasland Stretch

Drasland Stretch is a secret synthetic soundwalk presented by DNK and supported by AFK.

It is an outdoor collective listening and wandering experience, amplified by a fixed media composition played on your own personal mobile listening device. The work investigates the relationship between imaginary soundscapes and night-time surroundings on a specific location in Amsterdam.

The project aims to explore the intersection between sound composition and psychogeography through a format of collective site-specific experience - being in the same place, at the same time, while listening to the same composition - but also as an individual experience created by the use of headphones.

It is a soundwalk continuing the rave tradition of secrecy, with the location of the soundwalk revealed only on the day of the event. Upon arrival participants are provided with a sound file to enhance their surroundings, using their own headphones and listening device, exploring the night time scenery together.

Free event! but...

This event can be experienced with reservation only.

Location to be revealed on the day of the event by email.

Please subscribe at: dnkdays AT gmail DOT com

Important note:

visitors require their own earphones and a smartphone equipped with a camera or QR-code-reading app.


Rubén Patiño is an artist working in the field of music generated by electronic means, operating in a hybrid territory that incorporates elements of club culture and contemporary art. Especially interested in sound as a communicative and emotional medium that raises questions pertaining to experience and presence, his practice tends to challenge standardized formats of presentation and explores the boundaries in between, concert, public event, and installation.

As Lag OS (Anòmia, Haunter Records), Patiño, explores the potential of soundscapes as illusory spaces in a series of works that recreate artificial environments trough synthetic sound. It takes form as a collection of speculative sonic narratives that muddle the periphery of ambient music, abstract sound, and amorphous club music.

He is also part of N.M.O (Diagonal, Where To Now?, The Death of Rave, Anòmia,..). a "Fluxus Techno / Military space Music " unit that together with Morten J.Olsen has presented live in museums, clubs and festivals around the globe, their unique blend of repetitive pattern-oriented music, performance and inventive forms of sound spatialization.



social media:
instagram @patinyooo
twitter @patopatatas

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