Sunday 7 July 2019 - 16:00
Simon Labbé with DNK Ensemble
alsof het de laatste keer was
What are the main active elements in the production of social spaces in the city today? Where do we get together, how and why?
Over the course of several days, while considering ideas of social spaces, specifically in relationship to a rose is a rose is a rose, the Canadian composer Simon Labbé will create a performance together with members of the DNK Ensemble.
This performance/workshop will entail a collective reflection around the fundamental notions of inhabiting and value with a particular focus on space. The initial proposition is that various forms of speculation (most dominantly financial speculation on housing) are the most determinant agents in the creation of the spaces we live through. They impact not only the circulation of money, but also the potential for our radical imaginary to think something different.
With that in mind, what forms of speculation could we potentially invest in as tools to deconstruct what is alien to the commons we want to be sharing?
How can we, through a composition practice involving scoring and a momentary residence in the a rose is a rose is a rose, open up a space for a new form of value and its circulation?
What can our thinking and making, with/within the space of music, help us imagine in terms of sustainable engagements with spaces of autonomy?
This is an attempt at tackling the current capture and exhaustion of space through collectivized compositional thinking.
San Serriffe, Rozenstraat - a rose is a rose is a rose
Rozenstraat 59
1016 NN Amsterdam